Legal Information

Marco Pawlowski
Im Leiterich 2
55585 Norheim

USt-ID: DE320866631

Editorial responsible according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Marco Pawlowski
Im Leiterich 2
55585 Norheim

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution. The platform can be found at

(1) Service providers must keep the following information easily identifiable, directly accessible and permanently available for commercial telemedia, which are usually offered for a fee: 

1. the name and address at which they are established, in the case of legal persons, in addition the legal form, the persons authorised to represent the company and, if information is provided on the capital of the company, the share capital and, if not all the contributions to be made in cash have been paid up, the total amount of the outstanding contributions,

2. information enabling rapid electronic contact and direct communication with them, including the address of the electronic mail,

3. if the service is offered or provided as part of an activity requiring official authorisation, details of the competent supervisory authority,

4. the commercial register, register of associations, register of partnerships or register of cooperatives in which they are registered and the corresponding register number,

5. in so far as the service is carried out in the exercise of a profession within the meaning of Article 1(d) of Council Directive 89/48/EEC of 21 December 1988 on a general system for the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training of at least three years' duration (OJ 1988 L 19, p. 16) or within the meaning of Article 1(f) of Council Directive 92/51/EEC of 18 December 1992 on the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training of at least three years' duration (OJ 1992 L 3, p. 1). (1) Where information is offered or furnished in accordance with Article 1(f) of Council Directive 92/51/EEC of 18 June 1992 on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training to supplement Directive 89/48/EEC (OJ 1992 L 209, p. 25, 1995 No L 17, p. 20), as last amended by Commission Directive 97/38/EC of 20 June 1997 (OJ 1997 L 184, p. 31), on information relating to

(a) the division to which the service providers belong,

(b) the legal professional title and the State in which the professional title was awarded,

(c) the name of the rules governing the profession and how they are accessible,

6. in cases where they have a value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act or an economic identification number in accordance with § 139c of the Tax Code, the indication of this number,

7. in the case of public limited companies, partnerships limited by shares and limited liability companies, which are in liquidation or liquidation, an indication thereof.

Further information obligations according to other legal regulations remain unaffected.